Located in the south of Hackney The Virgin Queen Public house on Goldsmiths Row is a three story (including basement), brick and timber building originally built in 1925 in a “mock Tudor” style by Wests Brewery. Clark Architecture proposed an enhanced and upgraded public house and restaurant that offers real ales and other beverages from the clients own in house brewery along with a fully integrated open kitchen specialising in a fish and shellfish menu.
We realised this through the renovation and extension of the whole building in order to provide better equipped and accessible space across all floors. At the ground floor new timber framed windows matching the existing give light to the rear restaurant bar. Brick piers that continue the rhythm of the existing south elevation frame these windows with the existing bricks reused to create the same contrasting stretcher bond as used across the west and south elevations.
The rear extension is designed to be subservient to the parent property. The design seeks to compliment the existing building and create a sense of place and local distinctiveness that is attractive and accessible through a thoughtful approach to materials, form and massing. The extensions height and scale are informed by it surroundings, providing an attractive appearance without adversely affecting light to other properties or creating issues of overlooking. A palette of brick, render and dark stained timber are carried over from the existing building with a new flat roof built in timber and sealed with a single ply membrane.
Clark Architecture have worked closely with Remarkable pubs for a number of years routinely developing and extending listed properties - shortly after opening The Virgin Queen was voted one of the best 60 pubs in London.
Renovation &
Completed 2017
£1,3 Million